Nutritionists in the North

Nutritionists in the North

Following requests from members, we are trialling a regional group. The group, entitled ‘Nutritionists in the North’ (NN), will bring together researchers with overlapping interests and complementary facilities to support and consolidate the regional strength in nutrition science. Initial foci may be on developing and supporting a regional narrative for research, flag-shipping regional strengths and expertise, and in addressing the factors affecting the region’s population, including economic, ethnic, and rural-urban inequalities. Supported by the Northern Health Science Alliance (NHSA), the group will be chaired by Liz Williams (The University of Sheffield) and Fiona Malcomson (Newcastle University), supported by Sarah Hill from the NHSA, Bernard Corfe (Newcastle University), and Amelia Lake  (Teesside University). We are actively seeking representation from Early Career Members (within 10 years of last graduation). If you are an ECM working in the Northern region, then please get in touch. 

NN will work with the Nutrition Society to convene academic nutrition scientists across the north of England region (from Chester-Manchester-Hull-Sheffield in the south and north to the Scottish borders), actively engaging with regional mayors and departments of public health to advocate for evidence-based nutritional science. We will engage with Society members in the region to ensure continued representation and contribution to Nutrition Society activities and committees whilst exploring cross-institutional efforts to develop and build nutrition capacity (e.g., via mentoring/advising). Finally, we will champion nutritional science in the region and support informal regional networking (e.g., regional meetings, science and lab exchanges/placements) coupled with a regular research event to inform and offer a regional support network.

The regional trial is currently limited to this group, and its progress will be closely monitored and regularly reported on in the Nutrition Society Gazette and other social media channels.

If you are interested in joining or being kept up to date with our activities, please complete the form here.