New book to commemorate the Society’s 80th anniversary
My inspiration for this volume came from spotting a book from 1991(1) on my bookshelves whilst lying on my Pilates mat on the floor of my office. This was at the start of the January 2021 lockdown for the COVID-19 pandemic. “An update would make a good project for the Nutrition Society’s 80th anniversary”, I thought. Mark Hollingsworth, Nutrition Society CEO and Julie Lovegrove, President, agreed. I'm grateful to them, and also to Cassandra Ellis, the Society's Science Director, who has helped me with this project.
The 1991 volume had been compiled by my mentor, Dr Elsie Widdowson(2). She had to rely on taped interviews in many instances. I was luckier. All my victims were still alive. I contacted all the people who had been Society Presidents since 1991, together with all those who had been awarded Honorary Fellowships in that time. All eleven Presidents agreed to contribute and ten of the Fellows too. I asked them to tell us about their careers in nutrition, with special refence to the role that the Society has played. My immense gratitude goes to all of them.
Elsie ended her preface by hoping that these stories and recollections would inspire present members and others who had been concerned with the history of nutrition over the past 50 years. We now have a Society celebrating its 80th Anniversary. Let’s hope that these stories can inspire even more people and that the idea of recording the Presidents’ stories continues when the Society is celebrating its 100th anniversary.
Dr Margaret Ashwell OBE
1. Widdowson E (1991) The Nutrition Society 1941-1991 Presidents and Honorary Members: Their Stories and Recollections: CAB International.
2. Ashwell MA (editor) (1993) McCance and Widdowson - A Scientific Partnership of 60 Years. London: British Nutrition Foundation.