Over 80% of the UK adult population drink alcohol, and its use is normalised in society from adolescence through to later life. Alcohol is a small molecule, which once absorbed into the blood stream can reach every organ of the body, including the brain.
Alcohol specific mortality is at its highest since records began and increased by 42% between 2019-2022. It is estimated that 1 in 5 hospital patients use alcohol at increased-risk levels, with 1 in 10 dependent on alcohol. Many people with alcohol dependence have poor nutritional status, and the evidence for parenteral thiamine (vitamin B1) as an essential part of the management of severe alcohol withdrawal to prevent potentially life changing brain damage (Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome) is well established.
We aim to bring together researchers and clinicians to share current knowledge within the field and to interact. This member led meeting will explore the relationship between alcohol and nutrition and include opportunities for supported networking and development of research questions and collaboration building.
Registration details:
This Nutrition Society Member Led Meeting is also supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex. ARC Wessex members can contact [email protected] to access member registration rates for this conference.
Day One
Session One: Clinical nutrition and alcohol use
Chair: Professor Julia Sinclair, University Hospital Southampton, UK
Nutrition interventions to mitigate the effect of alcohol on Women's Health
Dr Chloe Casey, Bournemouth University, UK
Current evidence for thiamine interventions in patients with severe alcohol dependence- what next
Dr Darren Quelch, Senior Research Fellow, University of South Wales, UK
Session 2: Alcohol and adolescence
Chair: Dr Chloe Casey
Engaging with adolescents on health
Lifelab team, University of Southampton,UK
Alcohol use among University students
Kyle Kennedy, Student Member for the EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Network for Public Health and Secretary for the BDA Public Health Specialist Group
Young binge drinkers and the microbiome
Dr Carina Carbia, University of Louvaine, Belgium
Session 3: Alcohol as a complex risk factor
Chair: Dr Josh Bilson
Diet as a modifiable risk factor for alcoholic liver disease
Dr Frederick K. Ho, University of Glasgow, UK
Alcohol and eating disorders
Session 4: Nutrition Science and alcohol
Chair: Dr Caroline Childs
Phytochemicals and alcohol - risks vs benefits
Professor Jeremy Spencer, Professor of Molecular Nutrition, University of Reading, UK
Alcohol and muscle - interactions with ageing and sarcopenia
Dr Stephen Lim, Clinical Lecturer in Geriatric Medicine, University of Southampton, UK
Close of conference
This conference is an in-person only event.
Conference venue:
The Hartley Suite, Building 38
University of Southampton - Highfield Campus`
University Rd, Southampton SO17 1TL
Order your tickets
Non - Member Fee
Member - To benefit from the membership rate, please log in to your membership area before completing the registration.
If you are a ARC Wessex member, please contact [email protected] to gain your discount code to register with a member fee.