This conference is endorsed by the Association for Nutrition EN427
Topic of Conference:
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow an intrinsic 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. Circadian rhythm regulation plays a crucial role in healthy lives and a dysfunction of circadian rhythm is linked to increased disease risk.
This meeting includes plenary lectures from the leading experts in the field, supported by evolving science insights from Early Career Researchers. The meeting will explore nutrient and diet interaction with circadian rhythms, chrono-nutrition for health and circadian systems in disease.
Aim: To understand the interaction between circadian rhythms and lifestyle to impact on health and disease.
• To discuss evidence on nutrient and diet interaction with circadian rhythms to influence health and reduce disease risk.
• To consider evidence on dysregulated circadian systems on risk of disease.
• To explore whether diet and lifestyle guidelines are applicable for prevention of multimorbidities.
Any students attending alone or for the first time and would like a conference buddy, please sign up HERE.
Day One
Atrium Area, University of Aberdeen
Lecture Theatre 012
Professor Alexandra Johnstone, University of Aberdeen, UK
Dr Brendan Gabriel, University of Aberdeen, UK
Plenary Lecture One
Lecture Theatre 012
Chronobiology for health and disease
Professor Frank Scheer, Harvard Medical School, USA
Symposium One: Nutrient and diet interaction with circadian rhythms
Lecture Theatre 012
Biological rhythms, nutrient timing and metabolic regulation in humans
Dr Harry Smith, ZOE Ltd & Kings College London, UK
Chronotypical influence on appetite control & energy balance behaviours
Dr Kristine Beaulieu, University of Leeds, UK
NutriClock - Clock genes and circadian biomarkers as a novel phenotype of obesity
Professor Maria Pedro Sucena Guarino, Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal
Panel Discussion
Lunch Break
Breakout Space Level One
Original Communication Session
OC01 – OC08, Lecture Theatre Room 012
OC09 – OC18, Level Four Conference Room
Symposium Two: Chrono-nutrition for health
Lecture Theatre Room 012
Impact of intermittent energy restriction on women's health
Dr Michelle Harvie, Manchester University Hospital Foundation NHS Trust, UK
Sleep and nutrition for athletes
Dr Rónán Docherty, Atlantic Technological University/Sport Ireland Institute, Ireland
Optimal sleep: a key element of maintaining a healthy body weight
Professor Wendy Hall, King's College London, UK
Panel Discussion
Student Event
Lecture Theatre Room 012
The journey of breaking B.A.D. - from academic to entrepreneur
Dr Monika Gostic, The University of Aberdeen, UK
Close of Day
Drinks Reception
Breakout Space Level One
*All delegates are welcome to attend this complimentary event
Day Two
Symposium three: Circadian systems in disease
Lecture Theatre 012
Feasibility of time-restricted eating in the prevention and treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Dr Jonas Salling Quist, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Denmark
Timing of eating for weight loss
Dr Alan Flanagan, University of Surrey, UK
Exercise, nutrition, and medicine timing in metabolic health: implications for management of Type 2 Diabetes
Dr Brendan Gabriel, University of Aberdeen, UK
Refreshment Break
Breakout Space Level One
Plenary Lecture Two
Lecture Theatre 012
Time restricted feeding
Professor Satchidananda Panda, Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, USA
Round Table Discussion
Close of Conference
Scottish Section Annual General Meeting
Lecture Theatre Room 012
*Open to all Scottish Section Nutrition Society Members
This conference is an in-person event only.
Conference venue:
The School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Suttie Centre
Foresterhill Health Campus
University of Aberdeen
AB25 2ZD
Call for Abstract Details
The abstract submission portal for the Scottish Section Conference 2024 - Circadian rhythms in health and disease is now open. Submit your abstract here.
Please read the guidance on how to submit your abstract using the online system.
Please read the instruction to authors and submit your abstract by 22 January 2024. Your abstract does not have to relate to the specific theme of the conference. You may also find tips on writing a successful abstract useful.
Abstract submissions is open until 22 January 2024.
Your abstract will be limited to 450 words (excluding references and author information). Please note that corrections will not be accepted after the deadline.
All communications regarding your abstract including acknowledgement and acceptance will be electronic using the email address provided on each submission. After submitting your abstract you will receive a confirmation email.
How to Submit a successful abstract:
1) Use these tips on writing a successful abstract
2) Read the instructions to authors
3) Submit your abstract by 22 January 2024
When will I hear if my abstract has been accepted ?
Authors will hear out by mid-February 2024 if their abstract has been accepted for presentation. All presenting authors will need to register to attend the conference in-person.
If you have any queries, please contact the Society's Events Officer
Registration Fees
Member - To benefit from the membership rate, please log in to your membership area before completing the registration HERE.
Student/LIC/Unwaged Member - To benefit from the membership rate, please log in to your membership area before completing the registration HERE.
Any students attending alone or for the first time and would like a conference buddy, please sign up HERE.
Group rate for members and non-members - Please contact the Events Officer at [email protected]
Group rate for students - Please contact the Events Officer at [email protected]