venue The Royal Society
from to
Organised by:
Dr Oonagh Markey, Loughborough University ,UK
Professor Ailsa Welch, University of East Anglia, UK
Royal Society

Topic of the conference:

Diet and lifestyle strategies for prevention and management of multimorbidity. 

Multimorbidity, broadly defined as the co-existence of two or more chronic conditions in one individual, is a major global health challenge. Here in England, it is projected that two-thirds of adults aged 65 years and over will be living with multiple long-term conditions by 2035. The growing problem of multimorbidity is linked to increasing lifespans, socioeconomic and lifestyle-related risk factors, including poor diet and physical inactivity.

This Winter Conference will be structured around four symposia, with many excellent guest speakers already confirmed. It will explore pathways for prevention of multimorbidity across the life course, the role of ageing, the gut-brain-heart connection, and lifestyle strategies for prevention and management of multimorbidity. It will also consider machine learning and precision nutrition approaches for addressing research challenges in multimorbidity. Furthermore, the conference will provide an opportunity to discuss how we can best take forward future research to address this global health priority.

Aim: To understand the role of diet and lifestyle strategies in the prevention and management of multiple morbidities.


• To discuss multimorbidity clusters that cause the greatest burden and key lifecourse stages for prevention of multimorbidity

• To consider evidence on diet and lifestyle strategies for prevention and management of multimorbidity

• To consider whether this has implications for dietary guidelines for prevention of multimorbidities


Buddy Scheme

If you are attending the Winter Conference alone or for the first time, register here for the Buddy Scheme and you will be paired with a fellow delegate.


This conference is a hybrid event. If you would like to register to attend in person, please click on the register button above. For virtual attendence, register here.

The Royal Society - Advancing the science of human nutrition, online conference 

The Royal Society's 'Advancing the science of human nutrition' conference will be taking place online, 4 December. This conference will explore how novel research in industry and academia is advancing our understanding of human nutrition. Further information can be found here. Take up the opportunity to engage with an extra day of CPD, and register here

Day One




Welcome and Introduction


Advancing diet and lifestyle research to address the increasing burden and complexity of multimorbidity

Professor Naveed Sattar, University of Glasgow, UK


Refreshment Break


Symposium One: Pathways for prevention of multimorbidity across the lifecourse 


Oral health and multimorbidity: Is diet the chicken or the egg?

Professor Teresa Marshall, University of Iowa College of Dentistry Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry, USA 


Multimorbidity clusters and clinical trajectories: Implications for preventive strategies

Dr Lu Dai, Karolinska Institute, Sweden


Trajectories of development of multiple long-term conditions: understanding the intersection of diet quality and malnutrition and inflammation

Professor Alex Macgregor, University of East Anglia, UK 


Panel Discussion


Lunch Break


Nutrition Society Academy Workshop 'Ideas for Careers' 

Find out more and  REGISTER 


Original Communication Session One


Refreshment Break


Symposium Two: Ageing and Multimorbidity


Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of skeletal muscle ageing and sarcopenia

Dr Antoneta Granic, Newcastle University, UK 


Reactive oxygen species in age-related musculoskeletal decline

Professor Malcolm Jackson, University of Liverpool, UK 


Immunological decline and susceptibility to multiple ageing phenotypes and frailty: role of applied artificial intelligence

Associate Professor David Furman, Stanford University, USA 


Panel Discussion


Cuthbertson Medal Lecture 


Closing Remarks


Drinks Reception and Nutrition and Metabolism 3rd edition Textbook launch

Day Two


Breakfast Symposium: supported by Nightingale Health
Using large-scale multi-omics to understand, predict, and prevent chronic disease

Dr Luke Jostins-Dean, Nightingale Health, UK
Dr Kate Bermingham, King’s College London, UK


Symposium Three: Diet and the Gut-Brain-Heart Connection


The impact of a Mediterranean-style dietary pattern on cardiometabolic and cognitive health

Professor Anne Marie Minihane, University of East Anglia, UK 


The physiological/clinical benefits of flavonoid-rich foods on the vascular system and the brain

Professor Jeremy Spencer, University of Reading, UK 


Interactions between diet, the gut microbiota, and human health 

Dr Elizabeth Schneider, APC Microbiome Ireland, Ireland 


Panel Discussion


Refreshment Break


Original Communications Session Two


Lunch Break


Nutrition Society Academy Workshop 'CV Clinic' 

Find out more and  REGISTER 


Symposium Four: Lifestyle strategies for prevention and management of multimorbidity


Managing malnutrition and multimorbidity in primary care: dietary approaches to reduce treatment burden

Dr Rebecca Stratton, University of Southampton, UK


Lifestyle factors and risk of multimorbidity of cancer and cardiometabolic diseases

Dr Heinz Freisling, International Agency for Research on Cancer, France 


Precision nutrition and noncommunicable diseases

Professor Lorraine Brennan, University College Dublin, Ireland


Panel Discussion


Refreshment Break


Plenary Lecture


Addressing the key dietary risk factors and policies in multi-morbidity prevention

Dr Tazeem Bhatia, Office of Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care, UK 


Closing Remarks 


Event Details

This conference is a hybrid event. 

Main venue
The Royal Society London
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
St. James's
London SW1Y 5AG
United Kingdom


Call for Abstract Details

 The abstract submission portal for the Winter Conference 2023 - Diet and lifestyle strategies for prevention and managemet of multimorbidity is now closed. 

Please read the guidance on how to submit your abstract using the online system. 

Please read the instructions to authors and submit your abstract by 2 October 2023. Your abstract does not have to relate to the specific theme of the conference. You may also find tips on writing a successful abstract useful.

Abstract submission is open until 2 October. 

Your abstract will be limited to 450 words (excluding references and author information). Please note that corrections will not be accepted after the deadline.

All communications regarding your abstract including acknowledgement and acceptance will be electronic using the email address provided on each submission. After submitting your abstract you will receive a confirmation email.

How to Submit a successful abstract:

1) Use these tips on writing a successful abstract

2) Read the instructions to authors 

3) Submit your abstract by 2 October 2023.

When will I hear if my abstract has been accepted?
Authors will hear by mid November 2023 if their abstract has been accepted for presentation. All presenting authors will need to register to attend the conference in-person.

If you have any queries, please contact the Society's Events Officer.

Order your tickets


Member - To benefit from the membership rate, please log in to your membership area before completing the registration. 


Student/LIC/Unwaged Member - To benefit from the membership rate, please log in to your membership area before completing the registration.


Group rate for members and non-members* Register Here 


Group rate for students* Register Here




Student non-member - To benefit from this discount, please contact the Society's Events Officer, informing your institution and year, to receive your discount code


Virtual registration Register Here

Cuthbertson Award

The Nutrition Society Cuthbertson Award has been awarded annually since 1990 as a tribute to Sir David Cuthbertson. 

It is awarded to scientists or clinicians at an early stage of their career for excellence in clinical nutrition and/or metabolism research providing an evidence base for clinical practice.  

You can now submit your application for the Cuthbertson Medal 2023. Please submit your entry as per the guidelines below to [email protected]. The application deadline is 2 October 2023. 

Find out more here