The Nutrition Society is supporting students and other members presenting at the IUNS ICN, by offering grants to cover the cost of registration.
The Nutrition Society is keen to help members attend the IUNS ICN in Paris in August 2025, by providing grants to help with the costs of registration:
- For students/LMIC students up to £500
- For other membership types up to £700 .
The cheapest way to register for the event is to take advantage of the early bird rate which finishes May 12 2025. You will need to provide your registration receipt as part of your application.
CLOSING DATE: midnight April 30 2025
N.B. If you are waiting to hear if your abstract has been accepted, please do not apply until you have a decision.
Applicants must be members of the Society and have at least two consecutive years of membership at the time of application.
Applicants must be members of the Society and have at least two consecutive years of membership at the time of application.
You do not have to be presenting a poster or OC, but priority will be given to those who are. We recommend that you do not apply if you have not yet heard about your abstract being accepted.