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Summer Research Studentships 2025

The revised 2025 Summer Research Studentship Programme provides Early Career Members and undergraduates with the opportunity to undertake research together in a university, research institute, or industrial setting.

Closing Date for Applications - 19 March 2025

The Nutrition Society Summer Research Studentship programme is for Early Career Members and undergraduate students who wish to undertake a bespoke research project.

The studentship will provide funds to selected Early Career Members (ECM) to take on an undergraduate student, registered on nutrition (animal or human) or other related degree programmes, to undertake a period of research in a university, research institute, or industrial setting. The research will be undertaken in collaboration with an ECM and academic supervisor based at the university at which the selected student is registered. 

Studentships are available for up to eight weeks and are worth up to £2500. The university/organisation will receive £2000 of funding to administer as follows: a stipend of £1600 for the undergraduate student and £400 towards research expenses associated with the project. Additionally, the Nutrition Society will cover travel and accommodation costs to enable the student to attend the Nutrition Futures 2025 Conference to present the findings of the research project. 

Please note: Direct costs only will be funded. No institutional overheads will be awarded by this grant.

The following applications will be considered: ECM application, combined ECM/Student application

For the ECM application, it is anticipated that the ECM will submit the initial application. If successful, the ECM can then advertise and recruit a student member of the society for the studentship. This will be done with the support of the society. However, if you have already found an ECM to work with, you can also do a joint application.

Key dates:

  • Closing date for application: 19 March 2025
  • All applicants notified: end of March 2025
  • Projects begin: from May 2025
  • All projects to be completed: August 17 2025
  • All abstracts submitted for Nutrition Futures: midnight 24 August 2025
  • All final abstracts submitted for judging: midnight 30 September 2025
  • Presentation of the Best Project award: Annual Reception January 2026

To be eligible to make an application, please read the following requirements carefully. You must meet all of the requirements to be considered:

  • The ECM applicant must hold a current Society membership that started before 1 November 2024 (i.e., the preceding year). It is expected that the recipients of the award will continue membership of the Society for two years following the award (in ECM or full member category).
  • The online application should be submitted by the ECM who will host the student and be involved in the project or as a joint application with the student they have recruited.
  • It is anticipated that student(s) undertaking the studentship will have already undertaken at least two years of study at university for their FIRST degree (undergraduate) and have at least one year of their course remaining.
  • The student will hold University Group Membership or Student Membership of the Society

Considerations of the award

  • The project must be carried out and supervised by the name(s) listed on the application form.
  • The proposed project supervisor (of the student's university/institution) and host school or department (ECM’s organisation) will each need to confirm their willingness to support the project and confirm that appropriate facilities will be made available. 
  • The University/organisation of the ECM will be expected to administer the grant. 
  • All projects should be original research.
  • If you are selected, it is expected that you will formally accept the project within 7 days, so that we may offer it to a 'runner up' if you decline.
  • Closing Date for  Applications - Midnight on 19 March 2025
  • The project must be concluded by the 17 August 2025, as students will present an abstract of their findings at the annual Nutrition Futures Conference in early September.


The application

Closing Date for ECM Applications - Midnight on 19 March 2025.

All applicants will be notified of outcomes by the end of March.

Applications will consist of a proposal of no more than 500 words, detailing the project including aims, hypotheses and methodology (not including references), and a statement of no more than 150 words explaining how the project will enhance your future career aspirations in nutritional science.

Judging of the application

Projects outlined in the application will be judged on their merits based on the criteria outlined below. 

Marking scheme

A total of 20 marks will be awarded by each of the judges. These will be combined to determine the highest-scoring recipients. Those with the highest aggregate scores will be offered the studentships. The Society reserves the right to only fund the best two applications from any one institution should multiple applications be received. 

Applications will be reviewed and scored independently by a judging panel.

The proposal (out of 20) will be awarded for the:

  • Clarity of writing – Clearly and concisely outlines the nature of the topic to be addressed and the methods to be used. (out of 5)
  • Hypothesis, Aims and Objectives – A logical and appropriate hypothesis to be tested and a clear indication of how the stated aims and objectives will test this. (out of 5)
  • Novelty – The project addresses an important aspect of nutrition (animal or human) and the approach suggested is novel (but achievable in the timescale outlined). (out of 5)
  • Future career aspirations - The statement clearly articulates the candidate’s future aspirations (student and ECM) for a career in nutritional science (or an appropriate related discipline) and indicates how completing the project will help them realise these aims. (out of 5)

Completed Projects

Once completed the project should be written up and an abstract submitted for further judging by the panel in order to award the Best Project award.  This is usually presented at the Annual Reception ahead of the Winter Conference each year. 

Additionally, each student involved will be required to present their abstract as an Oral Communication (OC) at the Nutrition Futures 2025 Conference 4-5 September 2025 in London.  This provides excellent experience for the student in making a scientific presentation, in front of an empathetic group of their peers.

How to apply 

Applications must be joint with the ECM 'employing' the student or by the ECM, who can then recruit a student. Please read the sections on eligibility and the application and judging process. If you are then eligible, we look forward to receiving your application to be part of the 2025 Summer Studentship programme.

Apply here.

Arisa Shimada

2024 Winners

Winners of the Prestigious 2024 Summer Research Studentship

Arisa Shimada, University College London, Awarded Best Project 2024

Project title: Effect of Fatty Acid Oxidation Modulation on Cell Competition in the Zebrafish Embryonic Epithelium. 

"The summer research opportunity was invaluable, providing me with the chance to delve deeper into nutritional science beyond the confines of conventional textbook learning. It allowed me to integrate my knowledge from the past two years into a real-world research setting. I solidified my decision to pursue a postgraduate degree and ultimately a doctoral degree in nutritional research, with a particular focus on metabolism in the near future."

Wendy Zaragoza de Vale, University of Nottingham

Project title: A pilot study to explore the impact of dietary preference on estimated dietary choline intake in women of reproductive age in the United Kingdom

"I am very glad I applied for the Summer Studentship Grant because it gave me an excellent opportunity to pursue a subject of interest in more depth whilst developing my project management, independent research, data analysis, and communication skills.  Through the studentship, I also gained valuable experience in recruiting participants, collecting and interpreting data, and presenting the results of my study to a scientific audience. I feel very fortunate to have been given the great chance to improve my independent research skills further, as I hope to pursue a career in research."

Laila Orsi Mather, University College Cork

Project title: Comparative assessment of the nutritional profile of dairy products and plant-based alternatives in Ireland and how they contribute to the population’s nutritional intakes.

"Winning and participating in the Summer Studentship was a transformative experience. It not only deepened my understanding of nutrition research but also enhanced my practical skills and confidence. The opportunity opened my eyes to new career possibilities, reaffirming my passion for making a meaningful impact in the field of nutrition."




2022 Winner - Abbie Colosimo, University of Coventry

Project Title: The effect of pure orange juice consumption on postprandial blood glucose levels on normal weight and overweight/obese young adults.

Are Summer Studentships open to all students?

Applicants must be current student members of the Society and their membership must have started before 1st November 2024. Students from any university (UK or overseas) can apply as long as they are undergraduates, & still have at least a year of their first-degree course in human or animal nutrition, left to go.

Do I need to have permission from my university to apply?

Yes – you need to have the permission of the school or department and the tutor who will be supervising and supporting your project and can confirm that facilities will be there for you to use.

Are there any restrictions on applications?

The only restrictions are that the Nutrition Society reserves the right to limit the number of successful applications from any one university and to also ask for a refund from anyone who is found to not be meeting the eligibility criteria, despite having stated they comply.

Can two students from the same University work together on one project?

This is acceptable if you can define the specific role each student will play. However, we can only pay up to £2000 for the project as a whole (not per person). You may also need to demonstrate that the project can be completed with only one person should a student withdraw from the project.

How long is the research project?

It is intended to be up to a maximum of eight weeks during the summer vacation period and must be completed (including the write up) by 17 August.

What are my chances of securing one of the studentship grants?

There are always plenty of high quality applications, which means it is a very difficult decision, and details may matter. This means it is worth spending time and taking care with the application form in the first place.

How much funding will I receive?

You will receive up to £2500. Your university will be given £400 for incidental expenses. You will receive a stipend of £1600 for your research project. The grant will be paid to the University & they must manage the grant with/for you. The Society will then cover your travel and accommodation for you to attend & present your research at the 2025 Nutrition Futures Conference.

How will application forms be judged?

The judging panel and will assess the applications on the academic achievement of the applicant, the scientific merit of the proposal, and the reasons for how the candidate might benefit from carrying out a studentship. An aggregated score from all judges is then created to determine the successful applicants.

What will I be awarded?

All studentship awardees will be given £2000 of funding, £1600 for you, £400 for the university and additional funding to cover your costs of presenting at the Nutrition Futures Conference, where they will present their research project. A further award will be made for the best project, which will be presented at the Annual Reception.

Do I have to be a member of The Nutrition Society to apply?

Yes, all applicants have to be current student members and the membership must have started before 1 November 2024.

When is the closing date?

Applications must be received by midnight on 19 March 2025. Applications received after this date or time will not be considered.

Tips for planning your studentship

Two excellent suggestions from a past Summer Studentship Awardee (Bells Hann, University of Roehampton):

  • Plan your studentship project around a subject area you’re passionate about, if possible. This will keep you engaged and motivated to complete your project to a good standard.  
  • Consider what you’d like to do for your dissertation in your third year. Can your studentship help prepare you for that?